Tuesday 3 September 2013

Why The Fuck Have I Waited So Long To Do This?

This is a pretty gigantic moment in my life. My very first blog post on my very first BLOG! Holy shit!

I'm sort of using this opportunity to practice writing my long-awaited first book that has been my dream for ages and ages. It's the #1 thing I've wanted to do all my life. My mother instilled my love of literature and writing within me. She taught me to read at the tender age of 2 and by the age of 3, I was reading entire children's books out loud without assistance. **TOOTING MY OWN HORN HERE**

This blog will be just a massive mish-mash of ramblings about the things I love and the things I am passionate about, the things that get me fired up and the things that make me smile.

I may also visit here on days that I'm feeling down or uninspired, and perhaps seeing it come to life on the page of my blog with re-inspire me and keep me going!

I hope to make myself and anyone else who is gracious enough to visit this blog laugh and get excited about things in their own lives. For I, Nessa K, have one main belief in my life that I strive to make all around me realize, and it is this: PASSION. Be passionate about something. Anything. Let something get you so happy and excited that you have to scream out loud and jump around like your feet were on fire!

I am passionate about pop music and the musicians that play it, concerts, food, drink, books and the folks that write them, tv shows and the awesome people that act in them. I am passionate about Canadian stuff, British stuff, and Icelandic stuff. I am a passionate pit bull and cat lover, and a passionate atheist. Everyday it seems I could find something new to get excited about and I hope it continues for me.

These things may be mundane and frivolous to some, but they are the things that matter most to me and keep me wanting to live life every day. It might be different to you. Perhaps you're passionate about role-playing games, charity, and computers. Maybe it's the theatre or movies, or classical music. Or perhaps it's the art of tattooing and piercing, sailing, rugby, or scrapbooking. No matter what it is, I just think it's essential to go through life no matter how old you get and still have something within your life to get you jumping up and down in your living room like an excited kid who ate too many Tootsie Rolls!

I sort of feel bad for those who just go through their own lives and don't feel passion or excitement for anything. But by the same token, I also feel that perhaps they are taking everything in their life for granted. I know a few people like that personally and I have a lot of trouble understanding why.

I believe that in order to truly be excited over something specific in life no matter how big or how small, you must also feel gratitude and humility. When you feel deeply thankful and happy with something, passion sort of just develops from that. I'm passionate about the things I love because I am thankful that they are in my life and I can fully enjoy them. I could have been dealt a very different set of cards in life, ones that perhaps would have placed me in a much more sad or unfortunate type of life. But because I wasn't, I strive each day to be thankful and happy with even the littlest nice thing that happens to me everyday.

On a final note today, if this blog can inspire others to find passion of some sort in their life or to keep having passion for something they love and deeply appreciate having, then my job will be done!

"If this life is the only party we're ever going to have, then we better PARTY HARD!"

-- Nessa K.